HomeFlying With UsAbout BWIPress / MediaJuly 11, 2019 – BWI Marshall Airport Launches New Online Flight and Aircraft Noise Tracking Tool

July 11, 2019 – BWI Marshall Airport Launches New Online Flight and Aircraft Noise Tracking Tool

WebTrak Provides Detailed Flight and Noise Information

Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport unveiled a new interactive system this week that provides the public with detailed information about airline flights near the airport.  WebTrak is an online tool that provides data about airline operations, including noise measurements from permanent monitors in communities near BWI Marshall.

The BWI Marshall WebTrak system can be accessed from the airport website—  https://bwiairport.com/flying-with-us/about-bwi/airport-noise-webtrak.

Screenshot of the WebTrak aircraft tracking tool on the BWI Marshall Airport website

The WebTrak system provides historic and near real-time flight tracking information, as well as noise level data for users.  The tool displays airline flights, weather information, BWI Marshall Airport noise monitor locations, and aircraft noise levels on a user-friendly map.  The flight tracking system includes specific details about flights associated with BWI Marshall Airport, as well as information on air traffic transitioning through the region.  WebTrak was highlighted Tuesday night during a meeting of the DC Metroplex BWI Community Roundtable, an organization that is working to evaluate and modify local air traffic procedures that were established by the Federal Aviation Administration.

“This tool provides a complete picture for our neighbors,” said airport Executive Director, Ricky Smith.  “The system enables the public to track airline flights, as well as to observe and report specific details about aircraft noise.  WebTrak is an innovative technology that will ensure the public has easy access to this important data.”

WebTrak users can investigate aircraft noise concerns by replaying flight tracks from specific times.  The system’s location tools enable users to clearly see flights relative to their location.  Live data is delayed approximately 30 minutes for system data processing and aviation security requirements.  Historic data can be viewed and is available for 90 days.  Users may submit aircraft noise complaints to the airport administration directly from the WebTrak system.
