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While visiting BWI Marshall Airport, please take note of the various art galleries located throughout the airport which offer glimpses into local, regional, and even international art. The art rotates on a regular basis, so remember to visit often so you don’t miss any of our treasures on display.
This artwork celebrates natural and intellectual resources, our regional flavor, and the wonders of exploration and aviation. Artists residing in the State of Maryland and Washington, DC were invited to submit images of original artwork to be reproduced on large scale fabric panels. This gallery showcases the region’s talented art community.
The Yumi Hogan International Art Gallery rotates three times per year and is juried through a collaborative effort between the BWI Marshall Static Arts Committee, chaired by Jack Rasmussen, and partner organizations.
The current display is a collaboration with curator and artist, Pamela Wilde. Her display, Art From the Solder, features portraits of 10 veterans who are also artists. Several of these artists also have work displayed in our current display.
This exhibit of artwork from students (K-12) across the State of Maryland is sponsored through a partnership with the Maryland Art Education Association (MAEA). The purpose of MAEA is to encourage, strengthen, and promote the role of the visual arts in education by promoting quality instruction in visual arts education conducted by certified art teachers, encouraging study of art teaching, improving the conditions of art teaching, and encouraging and conducting research in art education.
The exhibit highlights the high quality of art education throughout schools in Maryland. All 23 counties in Maryland, plus Baltimore City, are represented.
The mission of the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County, Inc. is to encourage and invest in the visual arts, performing arts, and historic preservation for the people of Anne Arundel County. This exhibit at BWI Marshall Airport provides a wonderful opportunity for local Anne Arundel County artists to showcase their talents to thousands of travelers. Exhibits rotate every four months, each with a new theme.
Click this link to see the current display, “Peace of Mind”, or here to see previous exhibits.
The Thurgood Marshall Tribute honors one of this century’s foremost leaders in the struggle for equal rights under the law. In 1967, the Baltimore native became the first African American to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The exhibit features a timeline of Marshall’s life and highlights his many accomplishments. Adapted from the original full-length statue in the Thurgood Marshall Memorial in Annapolis, a bust of Marshall by Toby Mendez is the focal point of the exhibit.
Wings for Autism® is a national initiative of the The Arc, the largest national community-based organization advocating for and serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. This program allows families who have children with autism spectrum disorders the opportunity to experience simulated airport travel as a means of alleviating some of the stress that families who have a child with autism experience when traveling by air.
The exhibit is made up of 28 photographs that tell a chronological story of the program.
The Maryland Blue Crab was designated as one of the state symbols in 1989. The scientific name, Callinectes Sapidus Rathbun, means “beautiful swimmer that is savory.” This 10’x7’x’5’ sculpture is one of the world’s largest stained glass sculptures, weighing approximately 550 lbs.
This exhibit outlines how BWI Marshall Airport was built on 3200 acres of farmland in northern Anne Arundel County, opening in 1950 as Friendship International Airport. This exhibit was made possible by Oscar “Skip” Booth, an expert on Anne Arundel County history.
Pimlico 118 Preakness Stakes is an acrylic cut-out on canvas created by Jay Schlossberg-Cohen (1993). It is an original commission for the State of Maryland. The Preakness is the second leg of horseracing’s Triple Crown, held annually (May) at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore.