NEW LOCATION: The Frontier Airlines check-in/ticket counter is now located near Door 11 on the Departures Level, next to the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County Gateway Gallery.

Media Guide


The Maryland Aviation Administration’s (MAA) Office of Communications is committed to serving the needs of the traveling public and the mass media. The MAA owns and operates Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport and Martin State Airport. The purpose of the MAA’s Media Guide is to provide the local and national media with information and assistance from the MAA and the tenants of BWI Marshall Airport and Martin State Airport.

Contact Us

MAA Office of Communications 410-859-7027, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

After business hours, weekends and holidays 410-859-7737. An MAA Public Affairs Specialist will be notified and will respond to media inquiries.

Media should not call Airport Operations, as the Operations Center staff is busy with the safe management of BWI Marshall Airport facilities.

Media Access To Public Areas

Members of the media are welcome in public areas that include, but are not limited to, terminal lobbies and hallways prior to the entrances of security screening areas at BWI Marshall Airport. Public areas also include parking lots, garages, and designated aircraft observation areas.

When filming at the airport, taking still photos, or conducting interviews, all media should contact the MAA Office of Communications for assistance prior to arriving at BWI Marshall Airport. Media representatives are required to display press identification and identify themselves to anyone they interview, photograph, or film.

The media should not block or restrict movement anywhere in the terminal, and concourse entrances and exits should not be obstructed. When conducting interviews, the media must not interfere with airport or airline operations.

Aircraft arrivals and departures may be viewed from the upper level terminal roadway adjacent to Concourse A or the International Terminal / Concourse E, as well as the Thomas A Dixon Observation Area along Dorsey Road (MD-176). This public park is an ideal location to view commercial aircraft arrivals and departures near the south end of Runway 15 R – 33 L, one of BWI Marshall Airport’s two primary commercial jet runways.

Media Inquiries

All requests for interviews with MAA representatives should be made to MAA Director of Communications, Jonathan O. Dean, who will provide the appropriate spokesperson to address the particular topic of the interview.

Contact information is provided above.

Parking and Live Shots

Television trucks providing a live shot or satellite feed may park in the airport’s terminal lot behind the Hourly Garage. Directions and a map are available here.

If there is a serious incident or emergency, a staging area for media will be established. Media will be notified via telephone, email, fax, and/or internet website of the staging area location.

Weather and Delays

Airlines, FAA air traffic controllers, and pilots determine the delay, cancellation, or re-routing of flights. Inquiries about the number of impacted flights and passengers should be directed to individual airlines.

Adverse weather conditions could affect airport operations due to airfield conditions, visibility, or other reasons. BWI Marshall Airport does not close during most inclement weather conditions. At times, there may be an interruption in operations in order to clear snow and ice from the runways or aircraft ramps. Atmospheric conditions, navigational equipment, aircraft equipment, pilot qualifications, aircraft de-icing, ground movement, and terminal gate availability all impact decisions to have flights delayed, canceled, or re-routed to other airports.

Only during severe weather would the runways close for any extended period of time. Flights may be delayed or canceled due to weather at the flight destination or in other cities. The airport terminal would remain open unless damaged or other safety concerns warrant closing all or part of the terminal. Some airlines or the FAA may delay arrivals or departures until visibility and conditions improve.

Police Incidents

If a criminal investigation is underway, coordination of press activity will be the responsibility of the Maryland Transportation Authority (MdTA) Police. MdTA Public Affairs will answer questions. Filming of crime, accident, or incident scenes or other investigative events will be controlled by the MdTA Police.

Commercial Filming

Requests to film at BWI Marshall Airport should be made to the MAA Office of Communications. MAA Communications personnel will coordinate requests to film at Martin State Airport through the Airport Manager. Media interested in filming passengers, aircraft, and/or equipment of a particular airline must receive approval from MAA Communications and that airline’s corporate or local contact. TSA security measures are always enforced.

Requests for commercial or non-profit filming should be directed to Kelvin Jenkins of the MAA Office of Customer Experience at 410-859-7212. Applicable charges and insurance apply, and a Location Agreement must be completed and reviewed by a representative of the MAA Legal Office.

The BWI Marshall Airport website can be used as a source for current and historical information, including press releases, flight information updated by the airlines, ground transportation services, area hotels, and more.

For information about Martin State Airport, visit

Leased Areas

The areas that are leased by the airlines and other tenants, including ticket counters, gate areas/waiting areas, airline clubs, private offices, stores, and restaurants are under the control of those specific parties. Media access to those areas must be approved by the appropriate business.